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Thursday, May 12, 2011

still alive!

Hi ho
Hi ho
Where oh where did I go?

Sorry for the winter hiatus...

I suck. Sorry. :)


During the frigid months I tend to eat. And eat. And eat. And pack on pounds.

This year was no exception.

225 at my highest.

I got winded from our stairs.

Trying to jog or walk a long distance was a joke.

My knees hurt. My back hurt. I couldn't breathe. I felt gross.

And then the hubby & I quit drinking Monster.

I lost 5 pounds the first week.

10 pounds by the 2nd.

Now, about 2 months later, as of this morning...

I've lost 25 pounds since the day I quit.


Oh my GOD.

I'm under 200!!

We've got a wedding at the end of the month & my goal was to be 200 or less by then.

I can feel differences everywhere.

Shirts that were tight and uncomfortable just a few months ago are baggy.

I ran after Ian last night. RAN. I didn't get winded. It felt so GOOD.

I wanted to keep going.

I can run up the stairs 2 at a time like its nothing.

I feel NEW.

I feel like this is a new start!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Almost there!

I weighed myself today.

I closed my eyes. I've been bad. Horrible. Mini cupcakes? Had 5. Yesterday. Mm. (Chocolate with a mountain of frosting... delic-WAIT. BAD. NAUGHTY. no. so yum. but so BAD)

I get on the scale 3 times. The first always reads way off. Then I have to make sure time 2 and time 3 match.

And they did.


My goal weight is 199 pounds. By Saturday.

Can I?

I think I can!!!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


When I ordered my wedding dress and tried it on, it didn't quite fit. It wouldn't zip shut. There was about a 2 1/2-3 inch gap.

I felt fat. Horrible. This is my WEDDING DRESS. I'm supposed to feel gorgeous!

I kicked up my moving around. And stayed on ourse with my portion control. I didn't splurge and get my "normals" if we went out to eat.

I had my alterations appointment on Tuesday. I dreaded the hour ride there.

"They're going to tell me Ihave to order a bigger size" That was going through my head all morning.

I hauled my dress, Emily, her car seat and her diaper bag into the store.

"Here is your room, put your dress on and let us know when you need help"

My stomach was in my throat. I couldn't look in the mirror.

"Ma'am, I can't zip it by myself. I don't think it is going to zip... It didn't 5 days ago."

She came in to my room. Looked at me & grabbed my dress and tried to fasten it.

I felt my face getting red.

She tugged a little bit. And closed it. Told me to put my hand on my side and hold them there.

And she zipped my dress up.

All the way.


It fit.


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Maybe my scale was a little off yesterday?

Maybe my sort of good food habits yesterday paid off? (less than 10 mini cupcakes! -- hey... anything less than double digits is progress for me!)

Down 2 more pounds!!!

Only 5 pounds until my wedding goal weight!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A little adds up to a lot

So I haven't really been doing ANYTHING to help this journey lately...

Wedding planning is down to the wire... 21 days... So life is full of stress and phone calls. When I get stressed, I eat CHOCOLATE. The tiny little cupcakes with piles and piles of sugary frosting on them. EVIL. Oh but they are so good. NO! Stay away from them!

I lost 4 ounces. An even 206.

I can be okay with that as long as I still get those cupcakes.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What a day.

It has been way too long since I've posted anything!

For a few reasons... Our internet has decided to revolt and not work at home... And we decided to move the wedding up... A year. So I've got until October to make it all come together and not go crazy. So far. So good.

Fast food became my friend again... I couldn't get below 211 and stopped weighing myself because it got too hard.

Until today.

I kept walking by the closet and it was like the scale kept yelling my name.

So I stepped on it. 206. I stepped off. Then back on. 206. Off. Back on one more time. 206.

Holy damn.

I've got to mail some wedding invites and we decided to hand deliver some... So I think I'm going walk and deliver them when possible.


199 pounds by the wedding... October 9th, 2010